Priors operates extensive services in Batemans Bay and the surrounding areas.
This page contains links to our timetables and network map. Our timetables can be viewed on screen or downloaded in printable Adobe PDF format.
If you require further information regarding bus service information, please contact Priors at
If you know the bus route number you need, refer to our route listing. But, if you are from out of town or unsure which service to take, visit our bus route index for a full list of destinations, including suburbs and places of interest.
How to use our timetables
Find the timetable that covers the area you wish to use.
Find the closest timing point before your bus stop. Timing points are marked on the map with
On the timetable, locate the same timing point in the first column on the left. The arrival times of the service at that timing point are listed adjacent to that point.
If you have a question please call our office on (02) 4472 4040 during business hours where we can provide you with help.
Local Services

via Surfside


Batemans Bay

via Catalina
From out of town or a new bus user?
View our network map (668kb PDF) which shows all bus services operating in Batemans Bay and where they operate to and from.